
TitanHQ offers ultimate protection from internet based threats and powerful Web filtering functionalities to SMBs, Service Providers and Education sectors around the World. Our best-in-class SaaS Cybersecurity Platform delivers a layered security solution to prevent user vulnerability. SpamTitan - Advanced email phishing protection with AI driven, zero-day threat intelligence. Best-in-class protection against phishing, spear phishing and malware. WebTitan - Advanced threat protection, DNS security and content filtering. Proactive protection from malicious web threats and attacks. EncryptTitan - Full featured encryption system. Suitable for both MSPs & enterprises. Exchange information securely via email. SafeTitan - Security Awareness Training (SAT) powering human layer protection. Delivery contextual training in real-time. Unlimited phishing simulations. TitanHQ is a trading name of Copperfasten Technologies.
Contact Information
Galway Ireland
- Phone: +353 91 545555 Send Message Visit Website vCard