
Shillings defends your rights to privacy, reputation and security. It’s what makes us tick. We are the only business in the world to deploy – under one roof – media experts, data protection lawyers, litigators, experts from military intelligence, former investigative journalists, international investigators, cyber-security specialists, digital forensic experts and senior people from the military, police and government. Cyber Security Advisory - We help you protect against attack – and investigate when something goes wrong. Our team’s background spans the National Cyber Security Centre, White Hat Hacking, security defence firms and the UK government. From responding to data theft, extortion and cyber attack, to conducting bug sweeping and digital forensics, we ensure your cyber security now and for the future. Our cyber security advisory capabilities:
- CISO-as-a-Service
- Design, test & secure systems
- Digital forensics
- Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCMi)
Contact Information
London United Kingdom
- Phone: +44 (0)20 7034 9000 Visit Website vCard