
Although conceived in the Security space, SABSA is a business-driven, engineering-based, development process used widely for solving complex problems and 'hot' topical challenges - of any kind. As an holistic Enterprise framework SABSA is also widely utilised to align, integrate and standardise approaches and methods throughout the Business, Architecture, IT, Operations, Risk Management, Compliance & Audit functions
Our SABSA Training programme is led by David Lynas: co-author of SABSA, CEO of the SABSA Institute, and principal author of the SABSA Institute intellectual property.
Our worldwide SABSA Training schedule, including our new virtual classroom, is complemented by a number of highly-experienced SABSA professionals of proven ability, each selected by David according to his direct experience of their ability to deliver real-world solutions.
SABSACourses operates as the classroom training division of David Lynas Consulting Limited.
Contact Information
Armagh United Kingdom
- Phone: +44 (0)7776 1811964 Send Message Visit Website vCard