
Qubitekk has developed quantum cryptography solutions for the machine-to-machine (M2M) communications market. Qubitekk is developing a quantum cryptography solution that will provide quantum-safe authentication and encryption to automation devices in the field. Qubitekk’s solutions utilize entangled photons which are protected by the laws of quantum physics against undetected tampering. By leveraging these “tamper-indicating” photons, encryption keys and authentication codes can be generated and distributed securely over unprotected channels. Qubitekk’s Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) system provides cutting-edge channel security while greatly simplifying the generation, maintenance, and distribution of encryption keys used on an ICS network. A set-and-forget hardware solution, QKD can be used in tandem – or as an alternative to – traditional public key infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Authorities (CA).
Contact Information
Vista, California USA
- Phone: +1 (760) 599-5100 Visit Website vCard