Pentest Limited

Pentest Limited provide information security consultation, penetration testing & red teaming services to companies across the globe. Whether you’re a multinational looking to protect yourself against an advanced cyber-attack, a medium-sized organisation being asked to supply evidence of security testing for compliance reasons (GDPR etc.) or a start-up looking for initial advice, we are here to provide the information security peace of mind you’re looking for. Founded in 2001, we pride ourselves on our client-focused approach and act as a trusted adviser, not just a test provider. That is why our services are designed to not only uncover IT security vulnerabilities and provide proof of testing, but to support your ongoing information security efforts, to pass on our wealth of expertise and to increase the digital resilience of your business.
Contact Information
Altrincham United Kingdom
- Phone: +44 (0)161 233 0100 Send Message Visit Website vCard