

OpenZeppelin builds developer tools and performs security audits for distributed systems that power multimillion-dollar economies. Founded in 2015, OpenZeppelin has set industry standards for building secure distributed systems.

At OpenZeppelin, we have built the world’s leading Open Source library for smart contract development. OpenZeppelin Contracts powers over 3,000 public projects, with over 7,000 stars on Github and maintained by a community of 180+ contributors. We also conduct security audits for the Ethereum Foundation, Coinbase, and other leading organizations in the space.

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CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

The PC Support Group

The PC Support Group

A partnership with The PC Support Group delivers improved productivity, reduced costs and protects your business through exceptional IT, telecoms and cybersecurity services.

CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.



Alvacomm offers holistic VIP cybersecurity services, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. Our solutions include risk assessment, threat detection, incident response.

Practice Labs

Practice Labs

Practice Labs is an IT competency hub, where live-lab environments give access to real equipment for hands-on practice of essential cybersecurity skills.

Clayden Law

Clayden Law

Clayden Law advise global businesses that buy and sell technology products and services. We are experts in information technology, data privacy and cybersecurity law.

QNAP Systems

QNAP Systems

QNAP Systems, Inc. delivers world class network attached storage (NAS) and network video recorder (NVR) solutions.

Markel International

Markel International

Markel International is an international insurance company which looks after the commercial insurance needs of businesses. Specialist services include Cyber Risk insurance.

Matias Consulting Group (MCG)

Matias Consulting Group (MCG)

Your Business needs competitive and resilient ICT solutions. MCG defines, deploy & support them enabling you to focus on your core business.

Baker Donelson

Baker Donelson

Baker Donelson is a law firm with a team of more than 700 attorneys and advisors representing more than 30 practice areas including Data Protection, Privacy and Cybersecurity.

Argo Group

Argo Group

Argo is an international underwriter of specialty insurance. Argo Cyber offers a full spectrum of coverage solutions related to professional and technology services.

Cyber Intelligence 4U

Cyber Intelligence 4U

Cyber Intelligence 4U is an educational services company that provides two levels of cybersecurity training programs: executive and technical.



Infolock are experts in data governance, providing consulting and advisory services that help organizations effectively secure, manage, and optimize their data.



SyncDog is a leader in enterprise security and the preeminent vendor for containerized mobile application security across cloud & on-premise computing environments.

InfoSec Conferences

InfoSec Conferences

InfoSec Conferences is an online directory of infosec conferences. We list every single Information Security conference, event and seminar within every niche in Cybersecurity.



Imprivata is the digital identity company for life- and mission-critical industries, redefining how organizations solve complex workflow, security, and compliance challenges.

Quod Orbis

Quod Orbis

Quod Orbis are a fast-growing, innovative company providing market-leading expertise in cyber security and Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM).

KBE Information Security

KBE Information Security

KBE is a global consulting firm, with offices in Toronto and Milan, which specializes in the area of IT and information security with over 20 years of experience.

AI or Not

AI or Not

AI or Not - Leverage AI to combat misinformation and elevate the landscape of compliance solutions.



SoConnect provides safe, secured, and taken care of IT, with infrastructure built around you and your business.

SPYROS Information & Technology Consulting

SPYROS Information & Technology Consulting

SPYROS specializes in providing highly qualified professionals in Computer Network Operations, Signals Intelligence, Technical Training and Certifications, Network Administration and Security.

Affinity Technology Partners

Affinity Technology Partners

Affinity Technology Partners has been fueling the growth of Nashville, Tennessee businesses and nonprofits with reliable IT services since 2002.