

OpenZeppelin builds developer tools and performs security audits for distributed systems that power multimillion-dollar economies. Founded in 2015, OpenZeppelin has set industry standards for building secure distributed systems.

At OpenZeppelin, we have built the world’s leading Open Source library for smart contract development. OpenZeppelin Contracts powers over 3,000 public projects, with over 7,000 stars on Github and maintained by a community of 180+ contributors. We also conduct security audits for the Ethereum Foundation, Coinbase, and other leading organizations in the space.

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CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

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MIRACL provides the world’s only single step Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) which can replace passwords on 100% of mobiles, desktops or even Smart TVs.

Practice Labs

Practice Labs

Practice Labs is an IT competency hub, where live-lab environments give access to real equipment for hands-on practice of essential cybersecurity skills.



Jooble is a job search aggregator operating in 71 countries worldwide. We simplify the job search process by displaying active job ads from major job boards and career sites across the internet.



BackupVault is a leading provider of automatic cloud backup and critical data protection against ransomware, insider attacks and hackers for businesses and organisations worldwide.



Syxsense brings together endpoint management and security for greater efficiency and collaboration between IT management and security teams.

Cloud Credential Council (CCC)

Cloud Credential Council (CCC)

The CCC is a leading provider of vendor-neutral certification programs that empower IT and business professionals in their digital transformation journey.



Cybereason provides attack protection with cutting edge EDR and XDR, and industry recognized consulting services to support organizations throughout any stage of the incident lifecycle.



APrivacy provides information and communication security products for the financial services industry.

Cyber Security For Critical Assets (CS4CA)

Cyber Security For Critical Assets (CS4CA)

Cyber Security For Critical Assets is a global series of summits focusing on cyber security for critical infrastructure.



Skurio create cost-effective, intuitive and powerful Cloud based solutions to identify threats, detect data breaches outside the network and automate the response.

Digital Management (DMI)

Digital Management (DMI)

DMI is a provider of mobile enterprise, business intelligence and cybersecurity services.

WiSecure Technologies

WiSecure Technologies

WiSecure Technologies aims to develop cryptographic products meeting requirements in the new economic era.

Highland Capital Partners

Highland Capital Partners

Highland Capital Partners is an early stage venture capital firm focused on category-defining businesses in consumer and enterprise technology, including cybersecurity.



Curricula's cyber security awareness training delivers short relatable security stories to your employees. We make learning cyber security simple and fun.



Connectria provides cloud hosting, remote monitoring, and compliant cloud security solutions and services to enterprises, medium and small businesses.



Cybriant Strategic Security Services provide a framework for architecting, constructing, and maintaining a secure business with policy and performance alignment.

OpenAVN (DefenseArk)

OpenAVN (DefenseArk)

Defending your life online, keeping your data safe and private. We detect digital threats magnitudes faster than the leading antivirus software.

Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services is a managed IT Services Company offering a diverse range of Cyber Security services and IT solutions.

Quatrro Business Support Services (QBSS)

Quatrro Business Support Services (QBSS)

QBSS is a tech-enabled outsourcing firm that’s changing the way companies think about finance, accounting, human resources and technology services.

Salus Cyber

Salus Cyber

Salus is a provider of world-class cyber security services, enabling our clients to identify and manage their cyber risks proactively and effectively.

MIS Solutions

MIS Solutions

MIS Solutions is a managed cloud and IT security partner making technology work for you.