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Newsletter 2022 September #4

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CISA's Threat Intelligence Program Was Defective

Contextual Information: CISA's threat intelligence advice  service for US federal agencies is heavily criticised for lacking sufficient actionable detail. read more


Dutch Town Sues Twitter For Paedophile Conspiracy

False Witness: Twitter has plenty of trouble, now a Dutch town is taking legal action over a fake conspiracy theory claiming that it was once home to a ring of Satanic paedophiles. read more


Using SAST To Prevent Zero Day Vulnerabilities

Static Application Security Testing: There is a reason SAST solutions are widely agreed to be an important part of a secure software development lifecycle. read more


The NSA Hacked Huawei Long Ago

A Risk To National Security: The NSA penetrated Huawei's network technology ten years ago and can likely take steps to restrict & prevent any damaging or malicious activity. read more


Three Simple Steps To Effective Cybersecurity

Left, Right & Up: Three key steps that all organisations should follow if they are to ensure effective cybersecurity protection. By Allen Downs read more


Containers Are Temporary, But Container Data Is Not

Keeping A Lid On It: Containerisation has benefits for application development. It also holds challenges for data backup & recovery. By Florian Malecki read more


How to Manage Cybersecurity Staff Shortages

Lateral Thinking & Empathy: It still takes an experienced human to interpret critical data and to identify the most volatile threats. By Chris Peregrine read more


Five Cloud Security Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid

Cloud Security Is Crucial To Data Safety: IT leaders should familiarize themselves with these basic cloud security mistakes that their organisation should avoid. read more


Welcome To NATO - Finland’s Parliament Attacked

The attack against the Helsinki parliament occurred on the same day that President Biden signed off Finland & Sweden’s accession into NATO. read more

A New Supply Chain Security Solution

Organisations of any size are enabled by RKVT's new SAAS platform to collaborate on and share data in near real-time, confident in the trustworthiness of that data.  read more

Cyber Training And The Skills Shortage

The cybersecurity skills gap is still a significant worry for C-level executives and is quickly  moving up the board's priority list. By Nisha Nemasing Rathod  read more  

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