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Newsletter 2020 September #3

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

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Need to Evolve to a Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Strategy But Don’t Know How? This Guide Will Show You.Implementing a Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Solution is easier than you think. And, once you evolve to this proactive, strategic methodology, you can immediately begin reaping the benefits of a VM program that delivers the dynamic, continuous visibility you need to proactively manage risk and make strategic decisions. Ready to make the most efficient use of your limited security resources?
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Cyber Security Training For Employees

It's a plain truth that employees, from senior management to part-timers, are the largest cyber security vulnerability that any organisation faces. read more


Nation-State Hackers Are Infiltrating The US Election

Microsoft has evidence that nation-state cyber-attacks are targeting individuals & organisations involved in the impending Presidential election. read more


Artificial Intelligence Improves Business Processes

As Artificial Intelligence technologies proliferate, they are becoming an imperative for all businesses that want to find a competitive advantage. read more


Schoolchildren Are Better At Cyber Security Than Their Teachers

Many teachers believe their pupils have better knowledge of cybersecurity than they do. Half don't think their school has done enough to stay secure. read more


Cyber Security Deadline For Mariners

The International Maritime Organisation's deadline to incorporate cyber security into seagoing systems looms, but questions about training mariners remain. read more


Four Essential Questions To Ask A Cybersecurity Expert

Companies considering hiring a cybersecurity expert to help keep their confidential information safe should ask them some key questions first.  By Jennifer Bell read more


Getting A Cyber Security Job

There is a huge skills gap in the cyber security job market and people going into the cyber security profession now will have interesting and well paid careers. read more


How Do Cyber Criminals Operate?

The sophisticated tactics used by cyber criminals make it extremely difficult for law enforcement to collect the evidence, then catch and prosecute them. read more


British Cyber Security Market 2020

Analysis of the UK cyber security industry, including its size, employment & revenue, reveals that business is booming across all sectors. read more


Fixing Britain's Digital Skills Gap

The world’s most technologically advanced countries are struggling with the cyber security skills shortage and Britain is no exception. read more


Superhuman Brain-Hacking Device

Elon Musk is due to demonstrate a working brain-to-machine interface as part of his ambitious plans to give people superhuman powers. read more

US Ransomware Conspiracy Indictment

A Russian 'tourist' faces charges of  conspiracy in the US after allegedly offering an employee $1m to plant ransomware in their company's network. read more

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In the criminal world, data is the new currency. Change your habits and online behaviour to defend yourselves and your businesses against cybercrime. How? It's time to GoCyber

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