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Over 45% of UK businesses have been attacked this year and there are some important practical steps to be taken to prevent disaster striking your company. read more
It's Not Only Big Businesses: According to the insurance industry, one SME in the UK suffers a cyber attack every 19 seconds and they are potentially more at risk than larger enterprises. read more
From targeted phishing campaigns to adversarial networks, here are just some of the ways that AI can be used to launch criminal cyber attacks. read more
Cloud migration is almost complete for many businesses. Unfortunately, cloud account breaches are increasing. What is to be done? By Mina Khaki read more
The sharp transition to remote working has huge challenges, related to data security, workstation access & organization compliance. By Mary Bird read more
The Future Of Conflict: In an accelerating cyber arms race, there is a lack of clear international rules governing the use of cyber weapons. read more
Researchers have shared expertise to enable the new cyber security platform to make predictions about the likely next steps of an evolving attack. read more
US Cyber Command has exposed several new malware samples that have been developed and deployed by Russian hackers to attack government agencies. read more
Over 25% of the cyber attacks that were dealt with by the British National Cyber Security Centre over the past 12 months were Covid-related. read more
Beware: Fake News, Misinformation and Disinformation campaigns are just as bad for businesses as they are for democratic elections. read more
Hunt Forward: A special operation against malicious foreign cyber actors to seek out hackers from Russia, China and elsewhere well before the US election. read more
Trade Secrets: A Taiwan chip manufacturer conspired with China to steal critical technology from a US semiconductor design company. read more
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