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Newsletter October #4 2019

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Free Access to our 4,000-plus Directory of specialist Cyber Security service providers - Find Your Ideal Supplier - Get Your Organisation Listed. read more


Small & Medium Businesses Are Under Increasing Risk Of Attack

Small businesses are just as at risk as big ones. If you present a vulnerable target there will be a hacker interested in it, no matter how small you are. read more


Less Than Half Of Employees Get Regular Cyber Security Training

As techniques to exploit vulnerabilities continue to become more sophisticated, businesses must train their people to practice good cyber security. read more


Reduce Business Disruption - Make Cyber Security A Priority

Half of security experts in the manufacturing & utilities sectors surveyed say that their organisations don't invest enough in cyber security. read more


Just A Normal Day At The Office For Huawei

Huawei reveals that it suffers a million cyber-attacks every day, focused on stealing aspects of their leading 5G network technology. read more


Lost Russian Cyber Spies Return

APT 29:The clandestine Russian espionage and hacking group known as 'The Dukes' disappeared almost 3 years ago. Now, they are back. read more


Warning For Pilots To Counter Airborne Hacking

'Cyber Anomaly Detected': A new real time system gives pilots  information about what’s happening internally on their aircraft inflight. read more


Cybersecurity  And The EU's Regime For 5G Networks

The powerful new features of 5G networking will bring numerous security challenges. A lot will depend on regulatory compliance. By Joao Paro read more


More Girls Are Applying For Cyber Security Training

Good News: Britain's National Cyber Security Centre report a big increase in young women applying for its CyberFirst cybersecurity courses. read more


40% Of Companies Lose Business Due To Poor Cyber Security

Cyber security performance is vital to achieve commercial success and a higher focus on security can make the difference between success or failure. read more


E-Passports Can Be Remotely Hacked

A newly discovered flaw in the chip contained in e- passports lets data thieves remotely scan the passport then track the holder’s every movement. read more


Serious Cyber Attacks In Singapore Reflect Poor Cyber Security

Despite attacks against businesses becoming very common, corporate cyber security measures are still  not as good as they need to be. read more

Using Blockchain Against Counterfeit & Forgery

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to use blockchain to improve the agency’s ability to deal with counterfeiting and forgery. read more  


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