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Newsletter August #4 2019

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

Cyberwar Between Nation-States Damages Business

Businesses are at risk of becoming “collateral damage” in nation-state cyber conflicts and need to be protected in a fundamentally new way. read more


Foreign Cyber Intrusions On The USA

It’s not just happening on Election Day: Foreign governments are using social media to insert themselves into US politics “every single day'. read more


UN Is Investigating N Korean Cyber Attacks

S. Korea was hard hit by ten attacks by N. Korean hackers. India had three, Bangladesh and Chile were also hit by three attacks, plus 13 other countries. read more


US Releases Malware Linked To N. Korean Hacking Group

Electric Fish: Cyber Command has released samples of malware that they say are linked to N. Korean hackers from the Lazarus Group. read more


60% of Enterprises Fail to Build Effective Cloud Security

Over half of organisations are using cybersecurity methods that fail to keep pace with the changes and up-grades that their cloud security requires. read more


The Global Cyber Skills & Training Shortage

Skilled cybersecurity professionals are key, but there are just not enough of them and there is an anticipated shortage of 1.8m workers by 2022. read more


Transforming A Business The Data Driven Way

Reading List: A manual for newly-appointed data leaders in companies that are planning to start on a journey of data transformation. read more


Attacks On Financial Services Just Keep Going Up

The financial services industry is complacent about cyber security and must rapidly adapt its procedures if it wants to keep the trust of its customers. read more


Airlines Think Biometrics Will Improve The Passenger Experience

Star Alliance are working on a biometric data-based identification platform for frequent flyer program customers of member airlines. read more


Home Working Can Often Be A Security Threat

The security lapses employees may make when working from remote locations represent one of the largest cybersecurity threats to business. read more


Connected Cars Are The New Attack Vector

Hacking some smart devices might lead to nothing more than an invasion of privacy. Hacks of connected cars could be used for potentially lethal purposes. read more

Cyber Security: A Guide For Education Providers

Firewalls, data back-ups, staff training and email verification are just some of the actions colleges should take to protect themselves against attacks. read more

Featured Promotion: 
SECURITY IT SUMMIT - London 5 November

A unique one-day event that allows senior IT & Cyber security professionals to meet with innovative and competitive suppliers to the industry. Free for IT & Cyber security buyers to attend. read more


Cyber Knowledge The Easy Way Ch.2

Cyber security expert Alfred Rolington explores the hidden parts of the internet, concealed from regular search engines, where criminality in all its forms is flourishing. The second installment is Free to View now. read more



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