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Newsletter November #3 2017

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

Unstructured Data: Threats You Can't See

Structured data is only a small portion of a larger, more complicated puzzle. Security teams struggle to identify, collect & analyse unstructured data. read more


Cybersecurity Training Isn’t The Complete Solution

Training firms continue to stress the importance of educating employees in order to minimise the risk of cyber threats. But can training keep up with the pace of change? read more


5 Cyber Threats Executives Should Understand

Burnout: Protecting highly elastic network environments presents leaders and cybersecurity managers with a complex array of security challenges. read more


What Does The UK’s Data Protection Bill Mean For Business?

The UK has published the final version of a law to replace its current data security and privacy rules. What does this mean for business after Brexit? read more


UAVs To Counter Maritime Piracy

In maritime transport, characterised by high traffic and long distances, container ships have little protection in the open ocean. Drones can fix that. read more


All WiFi Networks Are Vulnerable to Hacking

The security protocol protecting the vast majority of WiFi connections has been broken,  exposing wireless Internet traffic to eavesdroppers. read more


Garry Kasparov On AI & Cybersecurity

One of the most brilliant people has experienced what many believe will soon happen to us all: being outsmarted by a machine. read more


Russian Cyber Campaign Aims To Splinter US Voters

Thousands of Kremlin-linked Twitter accounts continue churning out material designed to splinter America along political, racial and religious lines. read more


NotPetya Much Worse Than WannaCry

NotPetya was 2017's most damaging ransomware attack,beating notable campaigns such as Locky and WannaCry, according to malware experts. read more


AI Can Guess Your Password

A new application of artificial intelligence & deep learning in information security focuses on more efficiently guessing passwords. It seems to work. read more


Cyber Risk Insurance: The Prudential Regulation Authority Speaks

The Bank of England's financial services regulatory arm thinks that insurers consistently underrate their exposure to cyber risks. read more


Bank Robbery: Cyber Criminals Steal $1Billion

Silence: A cybercrime gang is alleged to have stolen as much as $1 billion from financial organisations across Russia, Armenia & Malaysia  read more


US Data Systems Under Attack

US Homeland Security issue a warning that the nuclear, energy, aviation, water and critical manufacturing industries are targeted by hackers. read more

The Current State of Cyber Warfare

The defence apparatus has an indispensable role in national cybersecurity but it should be under close democratic control. By Lior Tabansky. read more

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