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Newsletter August #3 2017

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Can US Cyber Weapons Stop N. Korea’s Nuclear Missiles?

Is it possible that the US can simply flick a switch and shut down the North Korean nuclear programme from 11,000km away? read more


The Stage Is Set For Cyber War

The after effects of the theft of secret NSA hacking exploits are having a disastrous impact on businesses and government organisations. read more


There Are No Civilians In Cyber Warfare

Governments interested in social freedom and the uncensored flow of information are being outgunned, outspent and outmaneuvered. read more


Who Are The Shadow Brokers?

The indications point to intelligence insiders who are either current or former US intelligence community contractors. read more


US Police Make Widespread Use Of Facial Recognition Software

Half of all American adults are included in databases that US police forces use to identify citizens with facial recognition technology. read more


Learning About ISIS Intentions Using Open Source Intelligence

In Plain Sight: ISIS is encouraging its operatives & supporters around the globe to carry out attacks in their own countries. By Vasco Da Cruz Amador read more


German Police To Hack Suspect Devices

Forget About Backdoors: Police forces in Germany will be allowed to hack any suspected mobile device using interception software. read more


Interpol & Group-IB Unmasking Pro-ISIS Hackers

Interpol has teamed up with Russian security firm Group-IB in an effort to identify the members of a pro-ISIS hacker group. read more


Nazi Website Taken Over By Anonymous

Hacker collective Anonymous have taken over a notorious Nazi website, following clashes in the US between protesters and white supremacists. read more


CEOs Are Accountable For Cyber Attacks

Tripwire says CEOs should be aware of the "basic principles of security," and in a survey of Infosecurity 2017 attendees, 40% of them agreed. How about your CEO? read more


Insiders Are The Cause Of Most Healthcare Breaches

In the US healthcare system there is a data breach every day and insider breach incidents occurred 28% more than hacking incidents. read more


Protecting Future Cars from Cyber Attacks

A new generation of Internet-connected cars will have to be better protected from hackers, says Britain's Department for Transport (DfT). read more


Australian Spy Data Helps Business Cyber Threats

Small and medium-sized businesses will benefit from plans to share cybersecurity data collected by Australia's intelligence agencies. read more

71% Of SMEs Unprepared For Cyber Risks

Small and medium sized businesses increasingly feel that they're vulnerable to cyber threats, but most aren't prepared to meet them. read more

Are Children 'Bingeing' on Social Media?

The British Children’s Commissioner advises parents that they must intervene to stop their children overusing social media. read more

Stolen Nude Photos & Hacked Defibrillators: Is This The Future Of Ransomware?

While recent big Ransomware outbreaks caused huge costs to the organisations they infected, they were surprisingly unrewarding for their creators. read more

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