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Iranian and Saudi Arabian hacking groups have started throwing virtual punches, raising the question of whether the two countries are heading towards an outright cyber-war. read more
Symantec can link the malware used by the Sony hackers to attacks on the SWIFT interbank platform. read more
KPMG say there is a clear disconnect between how Chief Executives view cyber security, versus the next tier of management. read more
Predata specialize in finding links between online interactions and upcoming physical events using metadata from YouTube and Wikipedia read more
Companies are wading in and testing the potential of data analytics, but it's important that they understand the limitations of those analytics. read more
CIOs and CISOs need timely cyber security insights to take proactive action, because today's security challenges are greater than ever. read more
Cyber intelligence is much more than IT security and Australia is looking for outside help to update its intelligence practices. read more
In The Navy: USN plans to turn some of its sailors into ethical hackers to better defend it its computer networks. read more
Security myths cause organisations to incorrectly assess threats, misallocate resources and set inappropriate goals. read more
MAREA: Microsoft and Facebook have recently announced that they are teaming up to build a subsea cable. read more
Cyber technologies have emerged as essential to the operation of maritime cargo vessels. read more
At the Stanford shopping center in Palo Alto, California, there is a new sheriff in town – and it's an egg-shaped robot. read more
Ghost Fleet, a novel about a future world war pitting China and Russia against a complacent United States, is required reading for the US Military. read more
The profile of typical cyber attackers – and the interconnected nature of their underground economy – have evolved in the last several years. read more
A revolution is taking place that many senior directors and strategic policy makers do not fully understood. read more subscribe
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