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Newsletter April #3 2016

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

The Spies Of tomorrow Love Data…

Working in an age where everything is recorded and leaves a digital footprint requires that spies learn a different tradecraft. read more


'Eye In The Sky': The Reality Of Drone Warfare Revealed

Gavin Hood's new feature film is a thrillingly intelligent exploration of the political and ethical questions surrounding drone warfare. read more


FBI Calculate $2.3 Billion Lost In CEO Email Scams

The FBI can identify  a "dramatic" increase in so-called "CEO fraud," e-mail scams in which an attacker spoofs a message from the boss. read more


Hacking Team Loses Its Global License To Sell Spyware

Hacking Team is in the news - never a good thing for a company that's supposed to be all about stealth and discretion. read more


Do The #PanamaPapers Make All Law Firms A Target?

Will hacking groups think all global law firms are as vulnerable as Mossack Fonseca and therefore target them in new, more persistent ways? read more


Boardroom: Prioritising Cybersecurity

As data breaches continue to rise, organizations, regardless of their size or the industry they are in, must adopt a new mindset. read more


US Cyberwar Against ISIS Begins

US Defence Secretary, Ashton Carter has issued orders to the US Cyber Command to launch online attacks against the terrorist group. read more  Also, CYBERCOM is elevated to full combatant command status. read more


The Growing Cyber Threat From Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran has been steadily developing its cyber offensive capabilities and  can now offer a significant threat. read more


Anonymous' 'Hack Israel Day'

The operation, which generally consists of DDoS attacks, website defacement and attempts at data theft, does have some positive effects. read more


Seven Profiles Of Highly Risky Insiders

To understand these insiders and why they pose a risk, start by looking at the root of the problem. read more


Deep Learning Blows Up Your Data Strategy

The implications for how you manage data are radical. Here is what you need to think about read more


Cognitive Computing Is Advancing (£)

Cognitive computing will affect all businesses in different ways even if most people at present are often unaware of its potential. subscribe  read more

The First Ghost Ship In The US Robotic Navy

Autonomous vessels like this submarine hunter will play a growing role in future naval missions and will soon crowd the seas. read more

Exposed: The Economics Behind Hacking

A new survey by the Ponemon Institute provides insight into topics like the average earnings of a cyber-attacker. read more

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