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Today's small wars are fought online & under the radar. Could they escalate into real wars? read more At least one expert thinks cyber wars will not trigger a traditional war. read more. Meanwhile, Chinese hackers are still trying to penetrate US companies, despite a pledge they would not do so. read more
The big concern is a cyber attack on the power grid & other critical infrastructure. read more Russian researchers are working on computer software to locate potential ISIS recruiters online. read more
Rumours on social media say it was hacker gang Lulzsec but Islamic extremists have claimed responsibility for the hack on the UK broadband provider. read more
Ponemon Institute Survey: Only one third of respondents are confident the Cloud meets their security objectives. read more
In today's digital era, dynamic, digital algorithms are at the core of new customer interactions. read more
Apple recently removed several apps from its store that pose a security risk by exposing a person's Web traffic to untrusted sources. read more
Malicious, data stealing JavaScript injected in the Cisco Web VPN login page of targeted organizations is hosted on legitimate sites. read more
IBM is giving the Chinese government access to some software code to demonstrate the security of its products. read more
Sometimes the best way to protect data is to make it appear as vulnerable as possible. read more
The changing face of crime in Britain has been underlined by new official data showing the growing threat of cyber crime and online fraud. read more
Despite two previous laws being ruled unconstitutional, data retention is back in Germany. read more
Israel is a high tech epicenter built around Internet security, anti-virus software and other cyber defense technologies. read more
Governments in Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa and Ethiopia are deploying sophisticated network eavesdropping tools against their citizens. read more
Gartner is forecasting some major changes in technology, especially in areas like 3D printing, machine learning and voice recognition. read more
Your Personal Safety. There's An App For ThatA crowd sourced App that enables you to reach out for help to other users nearby. read more
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