National Security Authority (NBU) - Slovakia

The National Security Authority (Národný Bezpečnostný Urad - NBU) is the central government body in Slovakia for the Protection of Classified Information, Cryptographic Services, Trust Services and Cyber Security. The Act on Cyber Security in Slovakia aims to cover comprehensively cyber and information security, introduce basic security requirements and other measures critical for coordinating the protection of information, communication and management systems. At the same time, the European NIS Directive on network and information security is being transposed into Slovak legislative. NBU operates the national Computer Emergency Repsonse Team (SK-CERT) and acts as a national point of contact for cyber security in relation to the European Union. It also participates in international exercises such as Cyber Coalition, annually organised by the NATO, and acts as a co-organizer of that exercise in conditions of Slovakia.
Contact Information
Bratislava Slovakia
- Phone: +421 2 6869 1111 Send Message Visit Website vCard