National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCS) - Tunisia

ANCS (L'Agence Nationale de la Cybersécurité) is the national cybersecurity agency for Tunisia.
ANCS is responsible, in coordination with the various structures involved in the field, for supervising the security of information and communication systems of public and private structures in the national cyberspace and mainly carries out the following missions:
- Develop and update policies and mechanisms for governance and security of the national cyberspace and make them available to the sectors and organizations concerned.
- Monitor the implementation of action plans for the security of the national cyberspace concerning:
- Proactive measures to avoid deliberate and accidental threats to the national cyberspace.
- Preventive measures to protect against cyber risks.
- Urgent response in the event of emergencies to deal with cyber attacks and mitigate their impacts.
- Rapid recovery from the effects of incidents and cyber attacks to ensure business continuity.
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Contact Information
- Phone: +216 71 846 020 Send Message Visit Website vCard