National Cyber Coordination & Command Centre (NC4) - Malaysia

National Cyber Coordination & Command Centre (NC4) was developed in accordance with the requirements of the National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP) and Directive No. 24 which aims to ensure that the Government can assess the current cyber security level of preparedness in the face of threats and cyber attacks at the national level. NC4 is established as a center for dealing with cyber threats and crisis at the national level and ensures that coordination and cooperation between Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) agencies are enhanced for integrated management of cyber security in the country. In addition to implementing the monitoring and control of cyber incidents, NC4 also has the ability to determine the level of threat and assess the impact of cyber security threats to the country.
Contact Information
Putrajaya Malaysia
- Phone: +60 (0)603-8064 4829 Send Message Visit Website vCard