4N6 is a privately-owned firm founded with the goal of providing expert knowledge of computer forensics.
Crema Italy
Abissi offer cyber intelligence, IoT security, automotive security, red teaming, application security and artificial intelligence security services, with a focus on security by design.
Cagliari Italy
Accredia is the national accreditation body for Italy. The directory of members provides details of organisations offering certification services for ISO 27001.
Rome Italy
aiComply's AI-driven platform offers automated intelligence for an efficient cybersecurity compliance workflow, eliminating onerous manual and time-consuming paperwork.
Rome Italy
aizoOn Technology Consulting
aizoOn is a technology consulting company offering a range of services including IoT & embedded security, mobile security, cybersecurity assessments, risk & compliance, network monitoring and more.
Turin Italy
Akito was set up to become a point of reference in the ICT market for issues related to Security and in particular Cyber Security.
Perugia Italy
Aspisec is a cybersecurity company specialized in Firmware Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection.
Rome Italy
Axitea designs, implements and develops the solutions best suited to its customers’ needs and their physical and cyber security requirements.
Milan Italy
BeDefended is an Italian company operating in IT Security and specialized in Cloud and Application Security with years of experience in penetration testing, consulting, training, and research.
Turin Italy
Bl4ckswan is a Management Consulting firm specialized in the delivery of information security and compliance services.
Milan Italy
Boolebox is the innovative suite of enterprise data protection applications that preserve the integrity and confidentiality of data from any unauthorized access.
Milan Italy
CERT-PA is the national Computer Emergency Response Team for Italian government institutions.
Rome Italy
Certego is a company of the VEM Sistemi Group specialised in providing managed computer security services and to combat Cyber Crime.
Modena Italy
Cleafy are a team of fraud hunters, cybersecurity experts, data scientists, and software engineers. Our purpose is to make people’s life easier and free from the threats in the digital ecosystem.
Milan Italy
Clusit is the Italian Association for Information Security, a nonprofit organization devoted to promoting every aspect of information security.
Milan Italy