A-SIT Secure Information Technology Center
A-SIT was founded in 1999 as a registered nonprofit association and is established as a competence center for IT-Security.
Vienna Austria
Antares NetlogiX
Antares Netlogix are a leading Austrian service provider for IT security, critical infrastructures and managed security services.
Amstetten Austria
App-Ray provides fully automated security analysis of mobile applications to find security issues, privacy breaches and data leaking potentials.
Vienna Austria
Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
AIT is Austria's largest research and technology organisation and a specialist in the key infrastructure issues of the future including data science and cybersecurity.
Vienna Austria
Austrian Trust Circle
Austrian Trust Circle is an initiative of and the Austrian Federal Chancellery and consists of Security Information Exchanges in the areas of the strategic information infrastructure.
Vienna Austria
Conference-Service provides a categorised calendar of conferences and events, including Information Security & Privacy.
Korneuburg Austria
COPA-DATA is the only independent software manufacturer to combine in-depth experience in automation with new possibilities of digital transformation – reliable, future-proof and operating worldwide.
Salzburg Austria
Cubro Network Visibility
Cubro network visibility solutions remove network monitoring ‘blind spots’ to provide enhanced visibility and control of all data transiting a company’s network.
Ghegastrasse 3\nVienna 1030Austria
Cyber Security Austria (CSA)
Cyber Security Austria (CSA) is an independent non-profit association with the aim to address security issues in the area of IT/cyber security of critical/strategic infrastructures in Austria.
Vienna Austria
CyberTrap is an advanced highly-interactive deception technology allowing real-time analysis and control of security breaches.
Wiener Neustadt Austria
CyRiSo is a cyber security consulting company with a focus on 'as-a-service' services for the most pressing challenges of cyber security.
Vienna Austria
Global Incubator Network Austria (GIN Austria)
GIN Austria is the connecting link between Austrian and international startups, investors, incubators and accelerators with a focus on selected hotspots in Asia.
Vienna Austria
GovCERT Austria
GovCERT Austria is the Austrian Government Computer Emergency Response Team. Its constituency consists of Austria's public administration.
Vienna Austria
HACKNER Security Intelligence
HACKNER Security Intelligence is an independent security consultancy delivering comprehensive security assessments across IT security, physical security, and social engineering.
Vienna Austria