Kalima Systems

Kalima’s mission is to securely collect, transport, store and share Industrial IoT (IIoT) trusted data in real time with devices, services and mobile workers. The Core of the solution is the Kalima IoT blockchain. Kalima blockchain allows users to securely collect, transport, store and share IIoT trusted data in real time with devices, services and mobile workers. Kalima blockchain is dedicated to the Internet of Things and brings blockchain and AI solutions at the edge, this allows an end-to-end blockchain communication from devices to the cloud and to mobile. The Kalima Embedded Blockchain provides open APIs to enable users to make applications tailored to their needs and that allow them to collect, tansport and share trusted data's to services, machines and to mobile or users. Java, C#, android and iOS APIs are complemented by smart contrats in Javascript or Python.
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Paris France
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