
Foregenix are global specialists in Digital Forensics and information security including Penetration testing and Website Security. Digital Forensics - Our forensic team has been closely involved with the Payment Card Industry since 2004 and our vast experience has enabled us to form close and trusted relationships with the major card schemes, allowing us to assist a wide range of organisations from central banks and global retailers to small e-commerce merchants. Penetration Testing - Our Penetration Testing Services are conducted by Foregenix' highly skilled and experienced security consultants. The team simulate attacks and direct compromise attempts at a network or application level, with the aim of locating potential weaknesses. Website Security - FGX-Web contains all the features that can secure an e-commerce website from 99.9% of online attacks. With realtime data analytics, FGX-Web provides clear risk profiling and security posture visibility across an e-commerce portfolio.
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