CyberTech Network

CyberTECH is a global cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart City network ecosystem providing resources, strategic programs and thought leadership events across the nation. CyberTECH's mission is to stimulate innovation and advance the adoption of cyber, IoT, and Smart City technologies for the economic and social benefit of the nation.We accomplish this through a series of programs and leadership opportunities. Our membership includes business and financial leaders, academic and research institutions, and government and non-profit organizations. CYBER Hive is a non-profit shared workspace and incubator community focused on advanced new technologies including the IoT, robotics, 3D printing, and drones. The CYBER Hive model is based on treating shared workspace and incubator members as real operating businesses every day. Members are mentored as they fine tune their business model, use cases and go to market strategies.
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San Diego, California USA
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