Cyber Threat Alliance

Cyber Threat Alliance

The CTA is a not-for-profit organization that is working to improve the cybersecurity of our global digital ecosystem by enabling near real-time, high-quality cyber threat information sharing among companies and organizations in the cybersecurity field.

The CTA and its members all share timely, actionable, contextualized and campaign-based intelligence that can be used to improve their products and services to better protect their customers, more systematically thwart adversaries, and improve the security of the digital ecosystem.

Members Benefits

  • Join a unique community of experts who share insights and best practices.
  • Get cybersecurity industry leaders on speed dial.
  • Access the CTA’s automated platform for sharing cyber threat intelligence.
  • Share timely, actionable, contextualized, and campaign-based intelligence.
  • Improve your products and services to protect your customers.

Contact Information

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers



DigitalStakeout enables cyber security professionals to reduce cyber risk to their organization with proactive security solutions, providing immediate improvement in security posture and ROI.



As the IT management division of Zoho Corporation, ManageEngine prioritizes flexible solutions that work for all businesses, regardless of size or budget.



Jooble is a job search aggregator operating in 71 countries worldwide. We simplify the job search process by displaying active job ads from major job boards and career sites across the internet.

Practice Labs

Practice Labs

Practice Labs is an IT competency hub, where live-lab environments give access to real equipment for hands-on practice of essential cybersecurity skills.



Alvacomm offers holistic VIP cybersecurity services, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. Our solutions include risk assessment, threat detection, incident response.

Cortado Mobile Solutions

Cortado Mobile Solutions

Cortado Mobile Solutions is the manufacturer of the mobile device management solution Cortado MDM.



Cyberlytic applies artificial intelligence to combat the most sophisticated of web application threats, addressing the growing problem of high volumes of threat data.



Zimperium offers enterprise class protection for mobile devices against the next generation of advanced mobile attacks.

Grimm Cyber

Grimm Cyber

GRIMM makes the world a more secure place by increasing the cyber resiliency of our client’s systems, networks, and products.

Igloo Security

Igloo Security

Igloo Security is a leader and pioneer in SIEM (Security Information & Event Management), PSIM (Physical Security Information Management) and MSS (Managed Security Services).

Cyber Security Raad (CSR) - Netherlands

Cyber Security Raad (CSR) - Netherlands

The Cyber Security Council (CSR) is a national, independent advisory body of the Dutch government undertaking efforts at strategic level to bolster cyber security in the Netherlands.

Deceptive Bytes

Deceptive Bytes

Deceptive Bytes provides an Active Endpoint Deception platform that dynamically responds to attacks as they evolve and changes their outcome.

Nexon Asia Pacific

Nexon Asia Pacific

Nexon solutions include cloud infrastructure and services, unified communications, managed security services, business continuity, secured high-performance network and business applications.



Asimily’s IoMT risk remediation platform holistically secures the mission-critical healthcare devices that deliver safe and reliable care.

Quad9 Foundation

Quad9 Foundation

Quad9 is a free security solution that uses DNS to protect your system against the most common cyber threats. It improves your system's performance, plus, it preserves and protects your privacy.



Sitehop is a cybersecurity technology company developing and supplying FPGA hardware-enforced cyber security solutions for networks.



SoftForum is a company specializing in next-generation information security solutions in the Quantum-Resistant-Cryptography (PQC) field.

KCS Group Europe

KCS Group Europe

KCS Group helps its clients to identify and deal with any risks, weaknesses and threats which could impact on the business financially or reputationally.



UberEther are a dedicated group of software developers and consultants developing and deploying the next generation of identity management and cloud solutions.

Atlas Systems

Atlas Systems

Atlas Systems helps companies large and small accelerate their digital transformation journeys – expanding their capabilities and delivering tailored solutions including cybersecurity.



Efex is one of Australia’s leading Managed Technology Solutions providers. We service local companies across Australia, providing accessible, fast and straightforward IT.