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Company Information

Name: Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd


Twitter ID: CyberSecInt

Registered Office:
The Old Mill
Kings Mill
Kings Mill Lane
South Nutfield
United Kingdom

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Richard Heath
Alfred Rolington

R Heath:
A Rolington:

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers



As the IT management division of Zoho Corporation, ManageEngine prioritizes flexible solutions that work for all businesses, regardless of size or budget.

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Gen AI for Security: Adoption strategies with Amazon Bedrock

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Gen AI for Security: Adoption strategies with Amazon Bedrock

Watch this webinar and get a comprehensive roadmap for securely adopting generative AI using Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs).

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?



MIRACL provides the world’s only single step Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) which can replace passwords on 100% of mobiles, desktops or even Smart TVs.



Syxsense brings together endpoint management and security for greater efficiency and collaboration between IT management and security teams.



Lastline is the leader in advanced malware protection.

Markel International

Markel International

Markel International is an international insurance company which looks after the commercial insurance needs of businesses. Specialist services include Cyber Risk insurance.



Securely Ltd. is an IT consulting and services firm specializing in PKI solutions and products.

Centro de Gestion de Incidentes Informaticos (CGII)

Centro de Gestion de Incidentes Informaticos (CGII)

CGII is the Computer Incident Management Center of the State of Bolivia.

Industrial Cybersecurity Center (CCI)

Industrial Cybersecurity Center (CCI)

CCI is the first center of its kind that comes from industry without subsidies, independent and non-profit, to promote and contribute to the improvement of Industrial Cybersecurity.

Cyber Ireland

Cyber Ireland

Cyber Ireland brings together Industry, Academia and Government to represent the needs of the Cyber Security Ecosystem in Ireland.

Sencode Cyber Security

Sencode Cyber Security

Sencode provides a range of IT security solutions and services, including penetration testing and cyber awareness training to help mitigate the growing risks to your corporate infrastructure.

Venari Security

Venari Security

Venari is an award-winning cybersecurity SaaS provider that has developed an ETA (Encrypted Traffic Analysis) platform which fundamentally changes the way encrypted traffic is analysed.

Rocky Mountain Cybersecurity

Rocky Mountain Cybersecurity

Rocky Mountain Cybersecurity's mission is to provide value by dramatically improving the cybersecurity posture of our clients and business partners. is a certified company offering penetration testing and specialized cybersecurity services.

Securance Consulting

Securance Consulting

Since 2002, Securance has empowered enterprises to assume proactive security, compliance, and risk management strategies.

Gorilla Technology Group

Gorilla Technology Group

Gorilla specializes in video analytics, OT network security and big data to support a wide range of solutions for commercial, industrial, cities and government purposes.



Sardine is a leader in financial crime prevention. Using unparalleled device intelligence and behavior biometrics, Sardine applies machine learning to detect and stop fraud before it happens.

SCS Technology Solutions

SCS Technology Solutions

SCS Technology Solutions has become the preferred partner for top performing organisations across Lincolnshire for IT support and consultancy.

CODA Intelligence

CODA Intelligence

CODA's AI-powered attack surface management platform helps you sort out the important remediations needed in order to avoid exploits on your systems.

Velstadt Cybersecurity

Velstadt Cybersecurity

Velstadt's team of experienced professionals works on identifying vulnerabilities, analyzing threats, and developing strategies to ensure the highest level of security.