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Company Information

Name: Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd


Twitter ID: CyberSecInt

Registered Office:
The Old Mill
Kings Mill
Kings Mill Lane
South Nutfield
United Kingdom

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Richard Heath
Alfred Rolington

R Heath:
A Rolington:

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO is the market leader in HPE Non-Stop Security, Risk Management and Compliance.



Jooble is a job search aggregator operating in 71 countries worldwide. We simplify the job search process by displaying active job ads from major job boards and career sites across the internet.

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Gartner insights into How to Select the Right ZTNA offering. Download this FREE report for a limited time only.

Practice Labs

Practice Labs

Practice Labs is an IT competency hub, where live-lab environments give access to real equipment for hands-on practice of essential cybersecurity skills.

European Organisation for Security (EOS)

European Organisation for Security (EOS)

EOS represents all domains of security solutions and services.providers including ICT information and communications technologies.

CYSEC Academy

CYSEC Academy

CYSEC Academy offer cyber certifications, cyber assurance and cyber defense training, hands-on learning training modules, public, private and bespoke training courses.

Tecnalia Research & Innovation

Tecnalia Research & Innovation

Tecnalia is the largest center of applied research and technological development in Spain, a benchmark in Europe and a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance.



RISE is an independent, State-owned research institute, which offers unique expertise and over 100 testbeds and demonstration environments for future-proof technologies, products and services.

High Security Center (HSC)

High Security Center (HSC)

High Security Center provide real-time threat protection. We protect your company from targeted and persistent attacks using technologies such as Machine Learning and Behavioral Analysis.

Rhino Security Labs

Rhino Security Labs

Rhino Security Labs is a top penetration testing and security assessment firm, with a focus on cloud pentesting, network pentesting, web application pentesting, and phishing.



Semmle's code analysis platform helps teams find zero-days and automate variant analysis. Secure your code with continuous security analysis and automated code review.

Cigent Technology

Cigent Technology

Cigent keeps the most valuable asset in your organization safe—your data. Our advanced endpoint and managed network security solutions prevent ransomware and data theft.

Trusted Security Solutions (TSS)

Trusted Security Solutions (TSS)

TSS are specialist in IT Security and providing Cybersecurity Solutions & Services combined with storage and backup.

Xmirror Security

Xmirror Security

Xmirror Security focuses on integrated detection and defense of the continuous threat to the DevSecops software supply-chain with artificial intelligence technology as the core.



Jit empowers developers to own security for the product they are building from day zero.

Avocado Consulting

Avocado Consulting

Avocado helps clients deliver with certainty on their complex IT change, with technology services that automate, monitor and optimise.

RSK Cyber Security

RSK Cyber Security

RSK Cyber Security are a leading cyber security services company that uses services, consulting, and product knowledge to lower security risk across the board.

Action Fraud

Action Fraud

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime.

Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA)

Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA)

The NATO DIANA accelerator programme is designed to equip businesses with the skills and knowledge to navigate the world of deep tech, dual-use innovation.

VT Group (VTG)

VT Group (VTG)

VTG delivers force modernization and digital transformation solutions that expand America’s competitive advantage in the modern battlespace.