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Company Information

Name: Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd


Twitter ID: CyberSecInt

Registered Office:
The Old Mill
Kings Mill
Kings Mill Lane
South Nutfield
United Kingdom

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Richard Heath
Alfred Rolington

R Heath:
A Rolington:

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.

Clayden Law

Clayden Law

Clayden Law advise global businesses that buy and sell technology products and services. We are experts in information technology, data privacy and cybersecurity law.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 



DigitalStakeout enables cyber security professionals to reduce cyber risk to their organization with proactive security solutions, providing immediate improvement in security posture and ROI.

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?



CERT-FR is the French national government computer security incident response team.

National Cyber Directorate Israel

National Cyber Directorate Israel

The Israeli National Cyber Directorate provides incident handling services for civilian entities and critical infrastructures and works to increase national resilience against cyber threats.

Basis Technology

Basis Technology

Basis Technology provides software solutions for text analytics, information retrieval, digital forensics, and identity resolution.

Sangfor Technologies

Sangfor Technologies

Sangfor is a global leader of IT infrastructure, security solutions, and cloud computing.

Gilbert + Tobin

Gilbert + Tobin

Gilbert + Tobin is an Australian corporate law firm serving clients throughout Australia, and around the world, on a broad range of legal issues including cyber security.

Commonwealth Cybercrime Initiative (CCI)

Commonwealth Cybercrime Initiative (CCI)

The CCI unites 35 international organisations contributing to multidisciplinary programmes in Commonwealth countries. These organisations form the CCI Consortium.



Shieldfy is a cloud-based security shield for your website to protect it from cyber attacks and malwares.

Wynyard Group

Wynyard Group

Wynyard Group is a niche, technology-driven company specializing in Integrated Border Security solutions for enhanced public safety.

Dell Technologies Capital

Dell Technologies Capital

At Dell Technologies Capital we lead investment in disruptive, early-stage startups in enterprise and cloud infrastructure.



EnigmaSoft is known for its PC anti-malware remediation utility and service under the tradename SpyHunter.

Security & Intelligence Division (SID) - Singapore

Security & Intelligence Division (SID) - Singapore

Security & Intelligence Division (SID) protects Singapore from external threats and safeguards its interests in areas related to terrorism, cyber security, other transnational threats, and geopolitics

National Security Services Group (NSSG)

National Security Services Group (NSSG)

National Security Services Group (NSSG) is Oman's leading and only proprietary Cybersecurity consultancy firm and Managed Security Services Provider.

ATHENE National Research Center For Applied Cybersecurity

ATHENE National Research Center For Applied Cybersecurity

ATHENE is the largest research center for cybersecurity and privacy in Europe, conducting application-oriented top-level research for the benefit of the economy, society and the state.



TrueBees is the first deepfakes detector able to detect AI-generated portraits shared on social media and to prevent their diffusion across the web.



Our mission at SplxAI is to secure and safeguard GenAI-powered conversational apps by providing advanced security and pentesting solutions, so neither your organization nor your user base get harmed.

Scope AI

Scope AI

Scope AI is an innovative technology company specializing in quantum security and machine learning.