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Company Information

Name: Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd


Twitter ID: CyberSecInt

Registered Office:
The Old Mill
Kings Mill
Kings Mill Lane
South Nutfield
United Kingdom

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Richard Heath
Alfred Rolington

R Heath:
A Rolington:

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO is the market leader in HPE Non-Stop Security, Risk Management and Compliance.



Jooble is a job search aggregator operating in 71 countries worldwide. We simplify the job search process by displaying active job ads from major job boards and career sites across the internet.

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Gartner insights into How to Select the Right ZTNA offering. Download this FREE report for a limited time only.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 

Identity Automation

Identity Automation

Identity Automation is a leading provider of Identity and Access Management software.



Jscrambler addresses all your JavaScript and Web application protection needs.

Berwick Partners

Berwick Partners

Berwick Partners’ Cyber Security Practice is a leading recruiter of senior management positions in this field; we have an exceptional understanding of the constantly changing Cyber landscape.

Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC)

Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC)

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity is developing and shaping cybersecurity research and practice based on a long-term vision of the internet and its future.

EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants

EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants

EPIC is an insuarnce broker and consultancy firm. Risk management services include risk consultancy and cybersecurity insurance.

Level39 (L39)

Level39 (L39)

Level39 is the world's most connected tech community, with over 200 tech startups and scaleups based onsite.

MassMutual Ventures

MassMutual Ventures

Mass Mutual ventures backs companies building category-defining businesses in markets including enterprise software, digital health, cybersecurity, and fintech.

Stratosphere Networks

Stratosphere Networks

Stratosphere Networks offer managed cybersecurity services rooted in Managed Detection and Response and Security Operations Center services that our team can tailor to meet your needs.



Unit21 helps protect businesses against adversaries through a simple API and dashboard for detecting and managing money laundering, fraud, and other sophisticated risks across multiple industries.

BOXX Insurance

BOXX Insurance

BOXX Insurance Inc. is a new type of insurance company for a new type of risk. Cyberboxx is the first fully-integrated cybersecurity and insurance solution for small-to-medium-sized businesses.

BATM Advanced Communications

BATM Advanced Communications

BATM Advanced Communications is a leading provider of real-time technologies for networking and cyber security solutions.



Infostream is a leading integrator of Digital Transformations Solutions (DTS); Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud; Cybersecurity; Data Integrity; DevOps, DevSecOps, and Infrastructures.

Airtel Secure

Airtel Secure

Airtel Secure’s multi-layered, full service cybersecurity offerings are designed to safeguard enterprises against threats of various kinds and origins.



IriusRisk is an open Threat Modeling platform that automates and supports creating threat models at design time.



Paubox offers secure, HIPAA compliant email and marketing solutions to fit the needs of modern healthcare organizations of every size.