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Company Information

Name: Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd


Twitter ID: CyberSecInt

Registered Office:
The Old Mill
Kings Mill
Kings Mill Lane
South Nutfield
United Kingdom

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Richard Heath
Alfred Rolington

R Heath:
A Rolington:

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?



Syxsense brings together endpoint management and security for greater efficiency and collaboration between IT management and security teams.



ZenGRC - the first, easy-to-use, enterprise-grade information security solution for compliance and risk management - offers businesses efficient control tracking, testing, and enforcement.

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Gen AI for Security: Adoption strategies with Amazon Bedrock

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Gen AI for Security: Adoption strategies with Amazon Bedrock

Watch this webinar and get a comprehensive roadmap for securely adopting generative AI using Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs).



Authentic8 transforms how organizations secure and control the use of the web with Silo, its patented cloud browser.

Digital Shadows

Digital Shadows

Digital Shadows is a cyber threat intelligence company that helps clients discover sensitive data exposed through social media, cloud services and mobile devices



INSUREtrust is a pioneer in the industry, inventing the concept of cyber insurance.

German Cyber Security Organisation (DCSO)

German Cyber Security Organisation (DCSO)

DCSO is an IT security specialist with a focus in three areas - technology management, managed security services, security consulting and auditing.



NSEIT offers end-to-end Information Technology products, solutions and services including cybersecurity to organizations in the financial sector.

The ai Corporation

The ai Corporation

The ai Enterprise Fraud Solution is an on-prem or cloud-based self-service, machine learning fraud detection and prevention tool set.

Veracity Industrial Networks

Veracity Industrial Networks

Veracity provides an innovative industrial network platform that improves the reliability, efficiency, and security of industrial networks and devices.

Wynyard Group

Wynyard Group

Wynyard Group is a niche, technology-driven company specializing in Integrated Border Security solutions for enhanced public safety.

Cyber Resilience

Cyber Resilience

Cyber Resilience offer an intensive program designed to help you create strategies to quickly become cyber resilient and to manage cyber risks in a measurable and predictable way.

Area 1 Security

Area 1 Security

Area 1 is the only Pay-per-Phish solution in cyber security. And the only technology that blocks phishing attacks before they damage your business.



VIRTIS' mission is to provide today's leading organizations peace of mind that their entire digital network perimeter is safe from hackers and data breach.



Inpher has pioneered cryptographic Secret Computing® that enables advanced analytics and machine learning while keeping data private, secure, and distributed.

Two Six Technologies

Two Six Technologies

Two Six Technologies delivers R&D, innovation, productization and implementation expertise in cyber, data science, mobile, microelectronics and information operations.

Ascent Cyber

Ascent Cyber

Ascent Cyber provide simple and stress-free solutions to protect your business and its customers from the worries and costs of cybercrime.

Battery Ventures

Battery Ventures

Battery partners with talented founders and teams building category-defining businesses at all stages of growth.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. Our duties are wide-ranging, but our goal is clear - keeping America safe.

Radius Technologies

Radius Technologies

Radius Technologies is trusted by progressive SMEs to deliver world-class cloud, IT solutions, IT and data security, and telecoms systems.