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Company Information

Name: Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd


Twitter ID: CyberSecInt

Registered Office:
The Old Mill
Kings Mill
Kings Mill Lane
South Nutfield
United Kingdom

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Richard Heath
Alfred Rolington

R Heath:
A Rolington:

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO is the market leader in HPE Non-Stop Security, Risk Management and Compliance.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity is a cybersecurity company that delivers a unified platform for endpoint protection, risk management, and cyber threat intelligence.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 



Locklizard provides PDF DRM software that protects PDF documents from unauthorized access and misuse. Share and sell documents securely - prevent document leakage, sharing and piracy.

Clayden Law

Clayden Law

Clayden Law advise global businesses that buy and sell technology products and services. We are experts in information technology, data privacy and cybersecurity law.

Alert Logic

Alert Logic

Alert Logic delivers unrivaled security for any environment, delivering industry-leading managed detection and response (MDR) and web application firewall (WAF) solutions.



TunCERT is the National Computer Emergency Response Team of Tunisia.

Epati Information Technologies

Epati Information Technologies

ePati Information Technologies is a specialist in information technology and cyber security.

Cybercrime Support Network (CSN)

Cybercrime Support Network (CSN)

CSN is a public-private, nonprofit collaboration created to meet the challenges facing millions of individuals and businesses affected each and every day by cybercrime.

IoT Defense

IoT Defense

IoT Defense (IOTD) is a cybersecurity and networking company building solutions that enable the protection of networks and the ever-increasing prevalence of IoT devices.

SQN Banking Systems

SQN Banking Systems

SQN Banking Systems fraud detection software products are a critical step towards overcoming the growing problem of fraud across the various payment channels.



Mvine's primary business is authoring and selling Cyber-Secure Platforms for Collaboration Portals and for Identity Management as well as delivering cloud support services.

Sky Republic

Sky Republic

Sky Republic offers a Smart Contract Platform to integrate and synchronize business networks beyond EDI and API.



FraudScope is an AI-assisted platform that accelerates the identification of fraud, waste, and abuse.



nsKnox is a fintech-security company, enabling corporations and banks to prevent fraud and ensure compliance in B2B Payments.

BluescreenIT (BIT)

BluescreenIT (BIT)

BluescreenIT is an IT Security Consultancy and IT and Cyber Security Training company supporting industry, local authorities, MoD and governmental IT departments.



Darkscope is an award-winning personalised cyber intelligence service provider. Our cutting-edge AI and Deep Artificial Neural Networks lead the world of cyber intelligence solutions.

Oman Technology Fund (OTF)

Oman Technology Fund (OTF)

Oman Technology Fund aims to make Oman the preferred destination for emerging tech companies in the region, and an attractive and stimulating destination for venture capital.

European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC)

European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC)

The ECCC aims to increase Europe’s cybersecurity capacities and competitiveness, working together with a Network of National Coordination Centres to build a strong cybersecurity Community.

Identity Digital

Identity Digital

Identity Digital simplifies and connects a fragmented online world with domain names and related technologies that allow people and businesses to build, market and own their digital identities.



For three decades, Mutare has been empowering organizations to re-imagine a better way to connect through our transformative voice security, digital voice and text messaging solutions.