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Company Information

Name: Cyber Security Intelligence Ltd


Twitter ID: CyberSecInt

Registered Office:
The Old Mill
Kings Mill
Kings Mill Lane
South Nutfield
United Kingdom

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Richard Heath
Alfred Rolington

R Heath:
A Rolington:

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Gartner insights into How to Select the Right ZTNA offering. Download this FREE report for a limited time only.

Practice Labs

Practice Labs

Practice Labs is an IT competency hub, where live-lab environments give access to real equipment for hands-on practice of essential cybersecurity skills.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity is a cybersecurity company that delivers a unified platform for endpoint protection, risk management, and cyber threat intelligence.

IT Governance

IT Governance

IT Governance is a leading global provider of information security solutions. Download our free guide and find out how ISO 27001 can help protect your organisation's information.

Resilient Information Systems Security (RISS)

Resilient Information Systems Security (RISS)

RISS is a research group is in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London.



Opscura (formerly Enigmedia) brings the reliable and cautious hands of operations together with the analytical minds of cyber experts and cryptography researchers.



Paladion is a provider of managed IT security services.

Repository of Industrial Security Incidents (RISI)

Repository of Industrial Security Incidents (RISI)

RISI is a database of cyber security incidents that have (or could have) affected process control, industrial automation or SCADA systems.



PSYND is a Swiss consultancy company based in Geneva specialized in CyberSecurity and Identity & Access Management.



The Sweepatic reconnaissance platform discovers and analyses all internet facing assets and their exposure to risk.

Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK)

Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK)

TURKAK is the national accreditation body for Turkey. The directory of members provides details of organisations offering certification services for ISO 27001.

Sum&Substance (Sumsub)

Sum&Substance (Sumsub)

Sum&Substance is a developer of remote verification solutions. Our technology allows online services around the world to meet regulatory requirements, prevent fraud and enhance customer confidence.



972VC was created to help entrepreneurs find potential funding for their startups. Your guide to the Israeli startup funding ecosystem.

Nameshield Group

Nameshield Group

Nameshield is one of most experienced domain name registrars, trademark protection specialists and managers of online reputational risk in the world today.

Binary Security AS

Binary Security AS

Binary Security is a Norwegian information security consultancy company. We are specialists at application security, penetration testing and secure code reviews.



Cyware is the only company building Virtual Cyber Fusion Centers enabling end-to-end threat intelligence automation, sharing, and unprecedented threat response for organizations globally.



Babble is a Unified Comms, Contact Centre and Cyber Solutions provider. We believe in making next-generation technology simple to use, deploy and manage.

Brennan IT

Brennan IT

For over 25 years, Brennan’s expert team has helped businesses achieve real success through innovative and secure technology solutions.



Solvo enables security teams and other stakeholders to automatically uncover, prioritize, mitigate and remediate cloud infrastructure access risks.

Fernao Group

Fernao Group

Fernao offer you all solutions from a single source - from cyber security, business resilience and digital infrastructure to cloud technologies and pentesting.