Cipher Tooth

CipherTooth is a superior system for delivering secure content over the Internet. CipherTooth’s unique methodology allows it to detect Man in the Middle (MItM) attacks in real time. We keep all the good stuff and get rid of the weaknesses in HTTPS. CipherTooth can even run over the top of HTTPS, works well with Multi Factor Authentication, and when a site is constructed correctly, eliminates MItM, Phishing and Spoofing attacks. CipherTooth creates an encrypted tunnel similar to HTTPS but with none of the required Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Current hacking techniques will not penetrate the tunnel as the technology does not have the weaknesses inherent in HTTPS. The technology can be deployed as a web service, as an appliance, or as a software. Our patented technology can be used to develop a stand alone product or it can be built into a current product as a new feature. It can also be used to develop unique solutions for a single customer's specific needs.
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American Fork, Utah USA
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