CFTS 'Computer Facilities Technical Services' is a Ugandan registered and majority-owned ICT Support Company that specialises in infrastructure and support services, we use a holistic result driven approach to deliver reliable, the sustainable business managed solutions, innovation and a people-centric attitude have always been at the core of our solutions. We are one of the top Networking ICT Solutions companies in Uganda priding ourselves on Getting IT Right, we cover a variety of disciplines, such as Power, VoIP, Network Security, Data Recovery, Structured Cabling Systems, Network Applications, Consultancy and Last Mile Connectivity. Serving the needs of small to large business/organisations, ranging from local indigenous companies and civil society organisations to International businesses, NGOs, and Embassies. We are one of the few companies in the region that have the required skill-sets and expertise capable of providing such a complete range of services in-house.
Contact Information
Kampala Uganda
- Phone: +256 (0)392-733784 Send Message Visit Website vCard