A partnership with The PC Support Group delivers improved productivity, reduced costs and protects your business through exceptional IT, telecoms and cybersecurity services.
PrimeKey provides organisations with the ability to implement security solutions such as e-ID, e-Passports, authentication, digital signatures, unified digital identities and validation.
Sentinel works with governments, media and defence agencies to help protect democracies from disinformation campaigns by developing a state-of-the-art AI detection platform.
Sentrium is committed to helping organisations protect their technology, information and people. Our range of bespoke services provide solutions to tackle a broad range of cyber security challenges.
N2K Networks is the world’s first “news to knowledge” network. The news to knowledge network is how you stay at the cutting edge in a rapidly changing world.
Cyber Law Consulting is a Dynamic full service legal firm which offers complete services for Cyber Law, cyberlaw, Internet Law, Data Protection Act, Cyber Security, IPR, Drafting.
Protega is a company specialized in Managed Cybersecurity Services (MSS) & SOC 24×7; management, risk & compliance (GRC); implementation of data protection technologies; and Red Team services.
CR Group is a Swedish-owned, cyber-security company oriented towards the European market. We offer solutions for vital societal functions that are both easy-to-buy and easy-to-use.