California Cybersecurity Institute (CCI) - Cal poly

The California Cybersecurity Institute (CCI) is a multi-agency effort to protect California through enhanced cybercrime forensics and statewide tactical response training. Our partners are the California National Guard and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. As an extension of Cal Poly’s Cybersecurity Center, the CCI aims to educate the next generation cyber workforce and provide faculty and students with a new, hands-on research and learning environment. The CCI serves as an extended Learn by Doing space for Cal Poly students to explore new cyber technologies and train and test tactics side by side with law enforcement professionals and cyberforensics experts. The program helps shape California’s cyberstandards and practices by offering an environment for cyberdefense innovation through advanced study and basic and applied research on emerging issues and technical challenges.
Contact Information
San Luis Obispo, California USA
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