Cybersecurity: A Personal Plan

Online, hooked up, plugged in and "on the cloud. Whether it is your own personal information such as saved passwords or credit card information or if it is your client's’ personal information, so much of our personal lives can now be easily accessed just with a little Wi-Fi. 

With our new found accessibility, everything at the click of a button, our lives have become all that much more convenient, and our businesses and assets have become all that much more vulnerable. Cybercrime has boomed over the last decade and has become a real problem for businesses, large and small alike.

In the US alone, more than 35,000 computer security incidents happen each day, and that is only the reported attacks. Many more attacks happen but go unreported as businesses aren’t legally required to report some types of attacks. According to PwC’s 2015 US State of Cybercrime Survey, a total of 79 percent of respondents detected a security incident in the past year. The security firm Gemalto estimated that in 2015 alone, more than 700 million data records were compromised, but unfortunately only 37 percent of organizations have implemented a dedicated cyber incident response plan.

All too often, companies consider themselves too small to be targeted by hackers or blame insufficient funds to invest in cybersecurity. But recent studies have shown that because of these reasons alone, small- and medium-sized companies are the first to be picked on. 

As intelligent individuals, hackers know that smaller companies can’t afford to invest in heavy data security, which makes them an easy target. But it is important to note that very often it doesn’t matter what size your company is, it’s more about who you do business with, client and partnership alike and what kind of data you store. 

Businesses that carry a lot of customer contact information like credit cards, health data, or valuable intellectual property are at a high risk of a cyber-attack.

Moreover, if you have any online contact with larger companies that carry and store this kind of information, you can become an easy target. Especially if your non-secure systems can unlock access to your partner’s data.

For many who are still on the fence about whether or not to invest in a protection plan, previous hacks on well-known companies should be enough to sway anyone. Think of Target’s big hit in 2013. 

Most cyber insurance premiums range anywhere between a few hundred to several hundred thousand. Compare that to the $291 million that Target had incurred as of January 2016 in breach-related costs (this includes crisis communications, forensics costs and legal fees). The average costs of legal fees alone after a data breach is nearly $700,000. For larger companies it can reach up and beyond $3,000,000. 

The necessity of strong cybersecurity measures is self-evident. Governments, individuals and companies are caught in the cross hairs. Yahoo itself has also disclosed a massive breach that, along with Target’s hack, is still making headlines.

Unfortunately, companies aren’t spending enough time on training their employees and investing in a security plan. According to a survey, the most common passwords on computers were "password", "123456", and "12345678". In fact, the report revealed a high volume of low levels of security awareness among users and that eight in 10 attacks could be prevented just with basic computer security and better passwords alone. 

This includes better passwords on social media sites and even physical security measures like video object tracking to detect potential physical attacks on your company. The most common form of cyberattacks involve the hacking of social networking sites, along with malicious software targeting computers and credit card fraud.

Whether big or small, your company should be investing in a well-defined security policy. Whether you invest in a hefty insurance policy and implement as many preventative measures possible or even if you train your employees in better computer security, the effort and investment can save you millions down the road. 

Invest in securing your data; it may be the best investment you make ever.

BetaNews:           Cyber Insurance Report 2016 (£):


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CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.



Alvacomm offers holistic VIP cybersecurity services, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. Our solutions include risk assessment, threat detection, incident response.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 



As the IT management division of Zoho Corporation, ManageEngine prioritizes flexible solutions that work for all businesses, regardless of size or budget.



Authentic8 transforms how organizations secure and control the use of the web with Silo, its patented cloud browser.

European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG)

European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG)

The primary aim of ECTEG is to enhance the coordination of cybercrime training, by identifying opportunities to build the capacity of countries to combat cybercrime



MetricStream provide integrated GRC solutions across business, IT, and security functions.



Secarma provides penetration testing, security assessments, consultancy, and training services to ensure your digital infrastructure is secure from cybersecurity threats.



ERMProtect is a leading Information Security & Training Company that helps businesses improve their cybersecurity posture and comply with regulations.

Veracity Industrial Networks

Veracity Industrial Networks

Veracity provides an innovative industrial network platform that improves the reliability, efficiency, and security of industrial networks and devices.



Fugue ensures cloud infrastructure stays in continuous compliance with enterprise security policies.



Concentric Data Risk Monitoring and Protection. Deep Learning to discover, monitor and remediate risks to sensitive data on-premises and in the cloud. has developed a cloud-based software service with a companion device that work together to simplify network security.



QuSecure provides a software-driven security architecture that overlays your current infrastructure and provides next-generation security to protect your entire network from quantum threats.

Liberman Networks

Liberman Networks

Liberman Networks is an IT solutions provider company that provides security, management, monitoring, BDR and cloud solutions.



Intel products are engineered with built-in security technologies to help protect potential attack surfaces.

Heartland Business Systems (HBS)

Heartland Business Systems (HBS)

Heartland Business Systems serves commercial, public sector and small to medium business with results-driven and dedicated information technology services.



Theta is a New Zealand owned technology consultancy. Our team of over 330 experienced professionals help organisations transform with technology.

Liberty Technology

Liberty Technology

Liberty Technology has a host of highly trained, certified experts who assist our clients with immediate remote support as well as on-site service.

Reach Security

Reach Security

Reach is the first generative AI platform purpose-built to empower enterprise security teams. With Reach, organizations measure, manage, and improve their enterprise security posture at scale.

GIS Consulting (GISPL)

GIS Consulting (GISPL)

From General Data Protection Regulations to advanced Network Infrastructure Audits, GIS Consulting has established a reputation as one the leading cyber security companies in the industry.