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Global shortage of skilled CyberSecurity professionals

A new global survey of more than 3,400 ISACA members shows that 46 percent of respondents expect their organization to face a cyberattack in 2015 and 83 percent believe cyberattacks are one of the top three threats facing organizations today.


Snowden Reveals that China Stole Plans For New F-35

The documents leaked by Edward Snowden have uncovered a new large-scale industrial espionage campaign conducted by the Chinese Government. State-sponsored hackers have operated to steal sensitive information on advanced fighter aircraft, the US-built F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). The Australian Government has ordered 72 F-35 jets that will be operational in 2020.


UK Police: 'Innocent people' on unregulated photo database

Police forces in England and Wales have uploaded up to 18 million "mugshots" to a facial recognition database. This is despite a court ruling it could be unlawful. They include photos of people never charged, or others cleared of an offence, and were uploaded without Home Office approval.


Anthem failed to encrypt data prior to cyber-attack

Despite myriad health information standards and a landmark law to protect patient privacy, it appears insurance giant Anthem (ANTM) apparently didn’t encrypt personal data of 80 million of its customers.


US Military Is Building Advanced Military Drones

For the Pentagon, drones are cheaper to buy and to operate than regular fighter jets. An armed MQ-9 Reaper drone runs about $14 million, compared to $180 million or more for an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. But unlike barrel-rolling a jet, the business of actually operating a unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, for the military is lonely, thankless, and incredibly difficult.


Kaspersky Lab Presents a Forecast for 2045

About 30 years ago the personal computer began to make its way into regular use – and it went on to transform society and the way we live our lives. Kaspersky Lab's experts decided to mark that anniversary by looking further into the future and imagining how information technology might develop and change our lives in the new digital realities of 2045, 30 years from now.


Apple iOS Backdoor: Snowden says iPhone is a Government Spy

Infamous former NSA contractor Edward Snowden thinks that Apple's iPhone has "unique computer software" that authorities can activate remotely to be in a position to gather information about the user.


NSA Director on Sony Hack: ‘The Entire World is Watching’

National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers expressed support Thursday for the United States’ economic sanctions against North Korea in response to the hack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, and called the attack against the movie studio a “game changer” for cybersecurity.


Critical Infrasctructure: UK and US Power Grids - Under Cyber Attack Every Minute

The UK government is one step ahead of hackers trying to turn off the country’s lights, for now. The prospect of cyber-attacks on the nation’s power network is a major threat to the country’s security, according to James Arbuthnot, a member of parliament who chaired the Defense Select Committee until last year. He plans to visit National Grid Plc. (NG/) next month to discuss the issue.


Snowden Says US Creates A Black Market for Digital Weapons

James Bamford, a journalist, who is working with NOVA on a new film about cyber warfare that will air in 2015, last summer sat down with Snowden in a Moscow hotel room for a lengthy interview, which has now been released. In it, Snowden sheds light on the surprising frequency with which cyber attacks occur, their potential for destruction, and what, exactly, he believes is at stake as governments and rogue elements rush to exploit weaknesses found on the internet, one of the most complex systems ever built by humans.


Android Apps Collect Personal Data – But just how much may surprise you

Many apps collect plenty of personal data in an attempt to track users online and serve them targeted ads in the process.

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

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ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Gen AI for Security: Adoption strategies with Amazon Bedrock

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Gen AI for Security: Adoption strategies with Amazon Bedrock

Watch this webinar and get a comprehensive roadmap for securely adopting generative AI using Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs).



CYRIN® Cyber Range. Real Tools, Real Attacks, Real Scenarios. See why leading educational institutions and companies in the U.S. have begun to adopt the CYRIN® system.



ZenGRC - the first, easy-to-use, enterprise-grade information security solution for compliance and risk management - offers businesses efficient control tracking, testing, and enforcement.



As the IT management division of Zoho Corporation, ManageEngine prioritizes flexible solutions that work for all businesses, regardless of size or budget.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 

Team Cymru Research NFP

Team Cymru Research NFP

Team Cymru Research is a group of technologists passionate about making the Internet more secure and dedicated to that goal.

Skybox Security

Skybox Security

Skybox combines firewall and network device data with vulnerability and threat intelligence, putting security decisions in your unique network context.



AFCERT is the national Computer Emergency Response Team for Afghanistan.

X-act Forensics

X-act Forensics

X-act forensics are computer forensic experts with experience in cases of computer fraud, intellectual property theft, and social networking cases.

Array Networks

Array Networks

Array Networks, the network functions platform company, develops purpose-built systems for hosting virtual networking and security functions with guaranteed performance.

Sepio Cyber

Sepio Cyber

Sepio is the leading asset risk management platform that operates on asset existence rather than activity.

Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA)

Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA)

ITIDA has two broad goals: building the capacities of Egypt’s local information and communications technology (ICT) industry and attracting foreign direct investments to boost the ICT sector.



Neursoft is a fully integrated ICT company with Software Development, System Integration and Information Technology Security capabilities.

Norwest Venture Partners (NVP)

Norwest Venture Partners (NVP)

Norwest Venture Partners offer entrepreneurs a broad range of services to help them build their businesses at every stage of growth. Key sectors include AI, Infrastructure, SaaS and Security.

Templar Shield

Templar Shield

Templar Shield is a premier information security, risk and compliance technology professional services firm serving North America.



Axitea designs, implements and develops the solutions best suited to its customers’ needs and their physical and cyber security requirements.



HackNotice Teams is an all-in-one encompassing tool that monitors threats within your organization, different vendors, and third parties whose services you use.



GoodAccess is the cybersecurity platform that gives your business the security benefits of zero trust without the complexities so your users can securely access digital resources anytime, anywhere.

Block Harbor Cybersecurity

Block Harbor Cybersecurity

Block Harbor has worked closely with automakers, suppliers, and regulators since 2014 on vehicle cybersecurity.

Opal Security

Opal Security

Opal is an identity and access management platform that offers a consolidated view and control of your whole ecosystem from on-prem to cloud and SaaS.



Sardine is a leader in financial crime prevention. Using unparalleled device intelligence and behavior biometrics, Sardine applies machine learning to detect and stop fraud before it happens.