All Employees Need This Effective New Training Tool
Uploaded on 2020-05-28 in JOBS-Training, JOBS-Careers, FREE TO VIEW, BUSINESS-Services-IT & Telecoms, TECHNOLOGY--Resilience
Featured Editorial
What has become very apparent in the last few years is that all employees, from senior management to part-timers, are the largest cyber security vulnerability that any organisation faces.
What has also become clear is that effective employee cyber training will reduce security costs, improve an organisations future commercial strategy, and will help to protect it against cyber-attacks, hacking, fake news and negative brand PR security.
The reasons why employees are so important for the operations security is because often cyber criminals will perform attacks on an organisation using phishing emails and similar tactics, making employees the first line of defense that needs to be strengthened.
Employees are also the ones with everyday access to many of the organisation’s computers, networks and systems, which means they play an important part in building resilience in the threat landscape. Recent analysis by Cyber Security Intelligence has shown that over half of most organisations employees have not received effective cyber security training, so it’s no surprise for instance that 96% of them still save passwords on their devices so they can ‘remember them’.
HR professionals are uniquely positioned to understand the role of trained employees in cyber risk mitigation and to mediate solutions for an organisation’s cyber security challenges. However, they often do not have expertise in cyber security training and they may lack the understanding of all general employee expertise in cyber defense.
Each aspect of the organisation knows part of the solution but understandably none know the whole solution and often the result is disjointed and dysfunctional education and training.
Cyber Attacks & Fraud
Currently cyber criminals are after identity resources such as social security numbers, credit card information and login credentials. These can be used to impersonate or steal directly from the organisation and cyber-attacks are being used to steal, monitor and influence most organisations via their management and employees.
- Cyber-attacks have cost US businesses over $650 billion in 2019 and UK businesses have lost almost $40 billion in the past 12 months due to cyber security attacks, hacks and related security incidents.
- The insurance industry has that found 55% of business had faced an attack in 2019 which is an increase from 40% in 2018.
- Currently almost 75% of firms are ranked as mere 'early starters' in terms of cyber readiness.
- Currently Londoners are losing an average of £26 million a month in cyberattacks on businesses and individuals according to police sources.
Most Directors and Boards are often ignorant to the dangers of hackers as they rely and trust in their IT Department’s ability to keep their organisations safe. To stay safe within their organisation's protocols IT managers sometimes hide the system's weaknesses and are under pressure to reduce costs.
Training is also an issue for the whole organisation and employee education is the best way to tackle these types of threats.
Only around 27% of organisations have trained their employees in the last 12 months. This should be done on a more frequent basis and doesn’t take up much time but keeps them on the cyber moment as the technology and the methods of attack change and become more sophisticated.
Cyber Security Training for All Employees
Nevertheless, we have found cyber security training experience for employees that works.
GoCyber is a new, innovative cyber security training app created out of a unique partnership with Me Learning, an established provider of digital training to the UK local government and the MOD, and Lumen Consulting Group, a tech provider from Silicon Valley who uses its training app to develop employee engagement programmes for international enterprises, including Gap and Nike.
Collectively they have drawn on their individual expertise to develop a unique and new, ‘learn by doing’ approach to cyber security training.
One of the major issues that has become apparent and is not focused upon enough is the need for real time cyber training.
Cyber security training needs to take place within all organisations in order to significantly reduce the chances and risks of criminal success that are using cyber-attacks and hacking methods to steal your data, money, company secrets and login information.
- Cyber security training needs to be more than a mere annual necessity. It needs to be an interactive and engaging experience that will solidify their role in the security posture of the organization.
- GoCyber integrates learning into the flow of work - and asks users to commit to 10 minutes a day for 10 days at a time that suits them. Its’ action based approach combines thought-provoking material with social learning, gamification and achievable actions. Users learn by doing.
Collectively organisations see an immediate impact on the way employees approach their own, and their company’s online safety. Learning is re-enforced by a monthly step. Leading cyber experts have contributed to the content.
This is a very effective and engaging new cyber training app that has been created by GoCyber for all employees from part time to senior executives and it has been tested by some prominent organisations. We at Cyber Security Intelligence recommend its use to all organisations.
For a free trial please contact Cyber Security Intelligence or visit GoCyber