

Snowden Reveals that China Stole Plans For New F-35

The documents leaked by Edward Snowden have uncovered a new large-scale industrial espionage campaign conducted by the Chinese Government. State-sponsored hackers have operated to steal sensitive information on advanced fighter aircraft, the US-built F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). The Australian Government has ordered 72 F-35 jets that will be operational in 2020.


UK Police: 'Innocent people' on unregulated photo database

Police forces in England and Wales have uploaded up to 18 million "mugshots" to a facial recognition database. This is despite a court ruling it could be unlawful. They include photos of people never charged, or others cleared of an offence, and were uploaded without Home Office approval.


Anthem failed to encrypt data prior to cyber-attack

Despite myriad health information standards and a landmark law to protect patient privacy, it appears insurance giant Anthem (ANTM) apparently didn’t encrypt personal data of 80 million of its customers.


Did the White House Use Drone Killing Technology?

At about 3 a.m. on Monday 26th January, a small quadcopter drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle, crashed on the White House lawn. White House officials said that the drone, by itself, was unarmed and didn't represent a threat


FBI access to PRISM surveillance program expands

US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) access to overseas surveillance collected by the National Security Agency (NSA) has expanded in recent years, with the law enforcement agency gaining access to collected, but unprocessed data, in 2009, according to a report released by the government.


US Military Is Building Advanced Military Drones

For the Pentagon, drones are cheaper to buy and to operate than regular fighter jets. An armed MQ-9 Reaper drone runs about $14 million, compared to $180 million or more for an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. But unlike barrel-rolling a jet, the business of actually operating a unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, for the military is lonely, thankless, and incredibly difficult.


Kaspersky Lab Presents a Forecast for 2045

About 30 years ago the personal computer began to make its way into regular use – and it went on to transform society and the way we live our lives. Kaspersky Lab's experts decided to mark that anniversary by looking further into the future and imagining how information technology might develop and change our lives in the new digital realities of 2045, 30 years from now.


Apple iOS Backdoor: Snowden says iPhone is a Government Spy

Infamous former NSA contractor Edward Snowden thinks that Apple's iPhone has "unique computer software" that authorities can activate remotely to be in a position to gather information about the user.


Industrial Internet of Things: Big Opportunities and Challenges

New digital services and business models based on intelligent connected devices and machines are expected to boost growth, particularly in mature markets.


NSA Director on Sony Hack: ‘The Entire World is Watching’

National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers expressed support Thursday for the United States’ economic sanctions against North Korea in response to the hack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, and called the attack against the movie studio a “game changer” for cybersecurity.


Critical Infrasctructure: UK and US Power Grids - Under Cyber Attack Every Minute

The UK government is one step ahead of hackers trying to turn off the country’s lights, for now. The prospect of cyber-attacks on the nation’s power network is a major threat to the country’s security, according to James Arbuthnot, a member of parliament who chaired the Defense Select Committee until last year. He plans to visit National Grid Plc. (NG/) next month to discuss the issue.

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ZenGRC - the first, easy-to-use, enterprise-grade information security solution for compliance and risk management - offers businesses efficient control tracking, testing, and enforcement.

IT Governance

IT Governance

IT Governance is a leading global provider of information security solutions. Download our free guide and find out how ISO 27001 can help protect your organisation's information.



As the IT management division of Zoho Corporation, ManageEngine prioritizes flexible solutions that work for all businesses, regardless of size or budget.

CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.

CGI Group

CGI Group

CGI is a leading IT and business process services provider. Services include IT consulting, Systems Integration, Application Development, Infrastructure, Business Processes, Digital IP.



AMETIC, is the Association of Electronics, Information and Communications Technologies, Telecommunications and Digital Content Companies in Spain.



CyberOne (formerly Comtact) offer a full stack cybersecurity service to ensure our customers understand the cyber maturity of their organisation.

Sandline Discovery

Sandline Discovery

Sandline Discovery provides digital forensics, eDiscovery solutions, managed review and litigation consulting services.

KIOS Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE)

KIOS Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE)

KIOS carries out top level research in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with emphasis on the Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructures.

Network Integrated Business Solutions (NIBS)

Network Integrated Business Solutions (NIBS)

NIBS is an IT services provider offering a range of services with the aim of simplifying and securing technology.



INVENSITY is an interdisciplinary technology and innovation consulting company. Centres of excellence include Cyber Security and Data Privacy.



u-blox deliver leading wireless technology to reliably and securely locate and connect people and devices.

EVOLEO Technologies

EVOLEO Technologies

EVOLEO provides engineering services covering a wide range of needs in the electronics design, embedded and systems engineering.



ConsenSys is a global blockchain company. We develop enterprise applications, invest in startups, build developer tools, and offer blockchain education.



Seigur is an IT consultancy business providing flexible legal and cyber security services for IT and data privacy programmes.



OpsHelm provides a Software-as-a-Service solution to help businesses ensure that all of their cloud environments have their security bases covered.



ANY.RUN is an interactive online malware analysis service created for dynamic as well as static research of multiple types of cyber threats.

ZAG Technical Services

ZAG Technical Services

ZAG Technical Services is an award-winning information technology consulting firm delivering digital transformation solutions, IT assessments, managed services, security, and support.



Cybervergent (formerly Infoprive) are a leading cybersecurity technology company in Africa. We provide cybersecurity guidance and solutions that help protect your business.



Raito's unique solution integrates with the data development process and lets data teams monitor, manage, and automate data security across the data stack.