BGD e-GOV CIRT's mission is to support government efforts to develop and amplify ICT programs by establishing incident management capabilities within Bangladesh, Main objectives of BGD E-GOV CIRT are: - Maintain security infrastructure of the National Data Centre (NDC);
- Serving the role of the National CIRT of Bangladesh;
- Coordinating and responding to cybersecurity incidents in e-Government environment;
- Serving as a catalyst in organizing national cybersecurity resilience initiatives among various stakeholders;
Toi achieve this goal BGD E-GOV CIRT will:
- Carry out investigations and containment measures for such events in order to minimize data loss or service disruption;
- Help to recover from incidents which take part in the NDC;
- Carry out preventive measures in order to minimize disruptions of secure operations of the NDC;
- Participate in international cybersecurity initiatives;
Contact Information
Dhaka Bangladesh
- Phone: +88 02 8181392 Send Message Visit Website vCard