Assured Data Protection

Assured Data Protection

Assured Data Protection specialises in data protection and disaster recovery services for large SME and enterprise organisations. Assured DP has built a fully managed service overlay around their core technology provider Rubrik. Rubrik-as-a-Service delivers an all-encompassing solution that enables their clients to focus on what really matters: their own production environment.

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Perimeter 81

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Resecurity is a cybersecurity company that delivers a unified platform for endpoint protection, risk management, and cyber threat intelligence.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 



Syxsense brings together endpoint management and security for greater efficiency and collaboration between IT management and security teams.

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO is the market leader in HPE Non-Stop Security, Risk Management and Compliance.



Locklizard provides PDF DRM software that protects PDF documents from unauthorized access and misuse. Share and sell documents securely - prevent document leakage, sharing and piracy.



Solarflare is a leading provider of intelligent networking I/O software and hardware platforms that accelerate, monitor and secure network data.



CloudInsure is a Cloud Insurance platform designed to specifically address emerging liabilities within the Cloud environment.

Beachhead Solutions

Beachhead Solutions

Beachhead's SimplySecure is a configurable, web-based management tool allowing you to remotely secure vulnerable mobile devices in your organization.

Niagara Networks

Niagara Networks

Niagara Networks is a Network Visibility industry leader, with emphasis in 1/10/40/100 Gigabit systems and mission-critical IT and security appliances.

Nozomi Networks

Nozomi Networks

Nozomi Networks is a leader in Industrial Control System (ICS) cybersecurity, with a comprehensive platform to deliver real-time cybersecurity and operational visibility.

FinCom.Co is the world’s first automatic AML/ KYC screening system, for comprehensive compliance.

Information System Authority (RIA) - Estonia

Information System Authority (RIA) - Estonia

RIA ensures the interoperability of the state’s information system, organises activities related to information security, and handles security incidents in Estonian computer networks.

Safe Security

Safe Security

Safe Security (formerly Lucideus) provides Cyber risk assessment services and platforms to multiple Fortune 500 companies and governments across the globe.



BELAC is the national accreditation body for Belgium.

ICS Cyber Security Conference

ICS Cyber Security Conference

SecurityWeek’s Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Cyber Security Conference is the largest and longest-running event series focused on industrial cybersecurity.

TM One

TM One

TM One is the enterprise and public sector business solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) Group.

Active Countermeasures

Active Countermeasures

Active Countermeasures believe in giving back to the security community. We do this through free training, thought leadership, and both open source and affordable commercial tools.



TechBase is an innovation and start-up center offering technology-oriented start-ups optimal conditions for successful business development.



BlueAlly helps clients scale, optimize, and manage their IT resources to reach their business goals.



InfoSecTrain are a leading training and consulting organization dedicated to providing top-tier IT security training and information security services to organizations and individuals across the globe

Mother Technologies

Mother Technologies

From Datacentre to Desktop, Mother Technologies has been delivering IT Support, Telecoms, Cybersecurity and Connectivity services to businesses across Scotland and beyond since 2002.