Allure Security

Allure Security online brand protection-as-a-service uses AI to automate the examination of more of the online world - scanning millions of assets daily including domains, social media posts, and mobile app marketplaces. Compared to alternatives, Allure Security identifies more online brand impersonations more quickly and nearer to their first appearance on the internet - before they're seen by a human or cause harm. Finally, Allure Security's unique three-pronged approach to response - blocklisting, decoy data, and takedown diligence - increases takedown success rates and reduces time to takedown. Deploying Allure Security allows brands to strengthen online reputation, customer trust, and customer satisfaction - as well as reduce fraud, lost sales, customer churn, customer complaints, and staff burnout. Reduced account takeover and payments fraud and associated costs. Reduced churn and customer service costs. Reduced load on security staff and marketing and legal teams.
Contact Information
14 Mica Ln Suite 101 Waltham, Massachusetts 02481 USA
- Phone: +1 (877) 669-8883 Send Message Visit Website vCard